Redouane Elkamhi, Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto
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Rebalancing & Total Portfolio Management
Research Award 2023: Counterproductive Sustainable Investing The Impact Elasticity of Brown and Green Firms with Kelly Shue
Kelly Shue, Yale University
IPCC-Aligned Equity Benchmarks
Frederic Samama, Sustainable1
Research Award 2023: How the Provision of Inflation Information Affects Pension Contributions: A Field Experiment
Pascal Büsing, University of Muenster
Private Equity and Venture Capital Fund Performance: Evidence from a Large Sample of Israeli Limited Partners
Yishay Yafeh, School of Business Administration at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Research Award 2023: Quantifying the Impact of Impact Investing
Ruixun Zhang, Peking University
Research Award 2023: A Quantity-Based Approach to Constructing Climate Risk Hedge Portfolios
Quinn Maingi, NYU
Pension Innovations for the Informal Economy
Himanshi Jain, World Bank
Research Award 2023: Scale Economies, Bargaining Power, and Investment Performance: Evidence from Pension Plans
Russell Wermers, University of Maryland
Fee Variation in Private Equity
Emil Siriwardane, Harvard Business School
Australia’s New Investment Performance Test for Super Funds
David Bell, The Conexus Institute
Board Education: Decision Making for Pension Boards – How to Make Good Decisions to Get Things Done
Martijn Vos, Ortec Finance & Alfred Slager, Tilburg University and ABP
Insights from 2023 Mercer CFA Institute Global Pension Index
David Knox, Senior Partner from Mercer and Senior Actuary for Australia
Board Education: New Scenario Narratives for Action on Climate Change
Mark Cliffe, University of Exeter and Mirko Cardinale, Universities Superannuation Scheme
USS’s New Investment Framework
Mirko Cardinale and Lindsey Matthews, Universities Superannuation Scheme